ENERCON has provided radiation protection, quality assurance, and hydrogeological field services for the ongoing decommissioning work at a major Nuclear Fuel Facility in Oklahoma since 2011. Site decommissioning activities are currently focused on numerous groundwater plumes at the facility. The contaminants of concern include uranium, nitrate and fluoride.
ENERCON provided the Radiation Safety Officer and Quality Assurance Coordinator for the project, as well as all Health Physics Technicians. In addition, they provided Subject Matter Expert (SME) consultation regarding NRC licensing amendments and decommissioning strategy.
ENERCON conducted numerous subsurface investigations including installation of monitoring wells, groundwater sampling, injection testing and aquifer testing. ENERCON operated two treatability tests to determine the optimal ion exchange resin for groundwater treatment. ENERCON personnel were involved in the design of the groundwater remedy proposed to United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission.