ENERCON supported the Lawrence Berkeley National Labs Berkeley, CA Shyh Wang Hall Computational Research and Theory Facility to support the 9th generation of NERSC High Performance Computing (HPC), N-9 Perlmutter.

Lawrence Berkeley National Labs

  • Instituted project management processes to align client needs with our services.
  • Worked with the client to fully assess the needs of the operation and project.
  • Retrofit and Expansion HPC capacity adding 10 MVA
  • Electrical- Medium voltage switchgear & 480V main service switchgear lineups, power distribution busways. Standby generator, evaluation, and load analysis. UPS units, transfer switches, evaluation, and analysis.
  • Mechanical equipment deployed on this project includes Air handlers cooling coils and evaporative cooling media. Wet-cooling towers, pumps and plate heat exchangers.
  • Method of Procedure (MOP) development and planning for construction activities in the operating data center.
  • Provided full support from start to finish to provide a complete solution for the client.

It was an honor to support the Lawrence Berkeley National Labs – Berkeley, CA – NERSC Facility Upgrade (N-9 Expansion).

ENERCON is a multi-discipline engineering and environmental firm focused on empowering our people and partnering with our clients. We pride ourselves in our data-driven approach, effective project management, and thorough, proactive client support. We provide innovative solutions and operating experience that reach across multiple industries. With an understanding of our client’s priorities, ENERCON brings a team of industry leading engineers from industrial, power generation, transmission, substation, and commercial industries that balance proven experience with new innovative design perspectives and technical solutions.

We work together with our clients and partners to overcome the obstacles that many new emerging technologies of the modern grid may present. Our Data Center team’s expertise and phased approach coupled with our strategic industry partnerships, makes challenging processes manageable, cost efficient, and convenient for our clients.

Contact us today to learn more about how ENERCON’s Data Center Mission Critical Team can provide solutions to your Data Center, Enterprise Co-location and Hyper-scale Solution Design needs.

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