The health and safety of ENERCON’s employees and our clients is a priority. We are responding to the COVID-19 threat by implementing protective safety measures as we continue to meet our client commitments. We monitor the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC), World Health Organization (WHO) websites, and directives from state and local health authorities for the latest updates and recommendations affecting our operations. Managing this situation has been a focus of our Senior Leadership Team and ENERCON is addressing workforce protection and management, project delivery, travel, and facility restrictions in the following ways:
We continue to communicate best practices to our employees for protecting their health. We are also utilizing our safety discussion forums to share updates and strengthen awareness of COVID-19.
All of our “non-essential” travel has been canceled indefinitely, including conferences and/or meetings that can be handled virtually. We are discouraging in-person meetings of more than 10 people and encouraging the practice of appropriate social distancing in the office. Project-related meetings and travel are considered essential when required by clients as many of our projects are critical to energy production and delivery. However, where practical, we are working with clients to facilitate virtual meetings.
We have put in place several systems and tools that allow our employees to effectively and securely work from home and still deliver work products that meet our clients’ quality and schedule expectations. Beginning March 18th and until further notice, we are encouraging all employees who can effectively work from home to do so.
Unless there are local ordinances prohibiting it, we are keeping our offices open. However, we are prohibiting people from entering our office if they have:
• Returned from or been in close contact with anyone who has returned from any of the affected countries listed on the CDC website
• Had close contact with or cared for someone diagnosed with COVID-19 within the last 14 days
• Experienced cold or flu-like symptoms (fever, cough, respiratory illness, difficulty breathing) in the last 14 days
ENERCON takes the COVID-19 threat seriously and is using all reasonable measures to prepare for and mitigate the risk of COVID-19 transmission to our employees, clients, and community while continuously meeting our client commitments.